Thursday, June 09, 2005

.....Just a quick note..

Apparently, China has a pay-as-you-go health system.

If a communist dictatorship has ditched this inferior and deteriorating system of health care delivery, what's the problem, really? Relax, Canada, it's gonna be okay.

What did Bill Clinton say?
Conservatives are people who defend lines that should never have been crossed/Liberals are people who take out lines that never should have been created.

I don't think that the real problem is Canada's so-called fear of pay health care, I think it's basically just a symbol of national identity, which is patently ridiculous, like so many other Canadian myths....such as:

1. Canadians are polite. That's plain BS. Every time I call home or deal with a Canadian, they are rude. We're only polite in the sense that we aren't as bad as the French.

2. Canada is safe. More BS. Every other violent crime (other than murder) rate in Canada is as high as the super violent US.

Anyways, we have a long way to go, and getting rid of our dangerous and emotionally based policy of bad health care delivery is the first step in improving ourselves as a nation.

1 comment:

Shamrocks! said...


Y'know, I'd almost agree with you that about the 'plain vanilla...' thing, except that the state still has real ownership over huge chunks of the economy.

The police state thing is real, though. Every corner, every red arm band, every 10 man patrol through Tiananmen.....