Thursday, December 02, 2004

Random Notes
First off, I have to say thanks to MC Rob for pointing out the bogus-ness of the Sgro story by the Canadian Free Press stating that the she had threatened them. When it comes to people with hate in their heart, I don't play. I took down the article, so we're all straight.

In other notes, if you haven't heard "Medulla" by Bjork, give it a listen. 'Triumph of a Heart' is great, but the title sounds a little too much like 'Triumph of the Will'. For me, I think 'Vespertine' is as good if not better than this album. She's a girl way out there on the edge....and nothing she does surprises me anymore. She employs old school poets, beatboxers, orchestras, harmonizing icelandic barbarshop quartets, super drum machines, and melodies from space.

Oh, and the Canadian press is definitely surprised by the fact Bush didn't chew his tongue off while giving his speech in Halifax. With expectations that low, he was bound to do well. He has the same ability a lot of presidents and leaders do: if you give him the chance, they will command your full attention and you will become completely absorbed in their speech. Not to compare Bush to the greatest orators of the last century, but if you close your eyes and listen to the 'I have a dream' speech by King, a speech in the parliament by Trudeau (that SOB) or the 'We will fight them on the beaches' speech by Churchill, you will experience something similar: Goosebumps.

...Getting back to the press, etc, the American media had no idea what 'Poutine'/the Jean 'Poutine' joke was...and no clue about Mackenzie King, Canada's WW2 involvement or Halifax. While the Canadian press agonized over the meaning of the speech, the US media went immediately on to Laci Peterson. Lame*10.

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