Thursday, November 25, 2004

Sgro Hits Bottom. Starts Digging.
This headline says it all:

Sgro argues stripper shortage

OTTAWA (CP) - Immigration Minister Judy Sgro is defending
the government's policy of admitting foreign exotic dancers to work in Canada,
saying the strip club business is "a strong industry" with "lots of customers."

For a third day on Thursday, Sgro was faced with Opposition questions about
her chief of staff's involvement in a Romanian stripper's visa troubles and in a
controversial program which sees foreign peelers getting special work visas.


Sgro concedes she has little enthusiasm for the program, which allows strippers into the country on special visas, but says the exotic dance industry can't find enough native talent and has the right to ask for imports.

Please tell me there is a special training program that will see massive amounts of government cash poured into training strippers. A degree program at the university level with specializations in 'Lap Dancing, Poll Technique or Shower Power' would be my suggestion. Just kidding.

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