Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Insane in the Ukraine (Elections)

Now do you believe in the unseen?
Look, but don't make your eyes strain
--Cyrpress Hill

The Ukraine looks like it has a bit of trouble on its hands. I saw David Collenette on the TV this morning talking about how corrupt the Ukraine election was. Apparently, Collenette (in case you were wondering) is now an international elections observer....who isn't afraid to call a spade a spade. Unlike a "Certain Former President Car-"...nevermind. *cough*Venezuela*cough*Fraud*Ahem.

Anyways, I'm just giving credit where credit is due. Collenette is talking openly about a massive fraud where:
a) "invisible ink" that goes blank after a couple of hours was used in 'non-Viktor Yanukovych' votes---rendering them "spoilt".
b) turnout was a preposterous 99% in Yanukovych precincts.
c) exit polls are showing a huge victory for the opposition.

Ukraine declares election winner

Ukraine's election commission has declared Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych the official winner of the disputed presidential election.

Supporters of opposition leader Viktor Yushchenko, who say the vote was rigged, have surrounded the commission building for a third day of protests.

Correspondents say there are fears the peaceful rallies could become violent.

US Secretary of State Colin Powell said Washington "cannot accept"
the result as legitimate

Right on. Raise a fist and resist.

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