Sunday, November 14, 2004

Chomsky's Got A Blog
If you have seen "Not Another Teen Movie" aka "My favourite comedy", you remember the scene where janie is in the middle of the football field while "Janie's Got a Gun" is sung to her...that's what I was thinking when I heard Chomsky had a blog:
Chomsky's Got A Blog
Chomsky's Got A Blog
His whole world's come undone
From lookin' straight at the sun
What did his country do?
What did he put you through?
--Aerosmith, with modifications

So I am adding Chomsky to the blogroll with my new leftie additions: Robbie McClelland, Kinsella (for being cool again) and Michael Moore.

Now you would be hard pressed to identify me as anything other than right wing, but I like having flavour in my reading tastes. Personally (and I am not picking on anyone of these individuals) I wish the left had more of an interest in economics, but that is for another rant.....

Update: I was a little too harsh on the left in regards to their collective economics acumen in this post earlier. That was wrong, so I took it down. I do wish we could move past Keynesian economics as the standard view in Canadian policy. Like I said before though, we are doing well currently.

Speaking of one of the lefties mentioned up top (Robert McClelland) it seems there is a little battle going on at his site as he mentions that the strong dollar has had no effect on exports. Again, as I have said before that yes, there has been no appreciable difference in exports since our dollar started to strengthen. But that is in an 'overall' sense. Robert has put a handy little chart up at his site to explain his point.

As you may note though, the dollar and our exports do not operate in a vacuum. If those were the only two variables in the equation, our exports would plummet and in certain price sensitive or commodity based businesses I am positive exports have dropped. Except in oil and some other industries. In fact, demand for oil in general has ramped up the dollar value of our exports and this will not change because of the inelastic nature of oil demand. Short term price shocks will not mean much in terms of a demand drop. People will not stop driving SUV's in the US because of the oil price...although...

Just as in the seventies, high prices pushed new cars and technologies to the forefront...we are seeing the emergence in North America of smart cars. Yes, the look loopy but you can go forever and a day on these things without refueling. And they are easy to park.

For me personally, I am going to stick to my supercharged 210 hp XR7 Cougar until it dies. It is the last of the supercharged models, has a cherry red coat and tonnes o' torque to spare. I'm looking forward to racing Jay when he gets out here.

And this concludes the most rambling post. Ever.

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