Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Broken Record Alert: Iran
I'll get all my papers and smile at the sky
For I know that the hypnotized never lie
--The Who
Hmm, an exiled dissident group comes out with 'intelligence' stating their country's leadership has WMD's.

*pregnant pause*

Let's hope the US doesn't use these guy as the 'definitive source' of information on Iraq, I mean, Iran:

Exiles Add to Claims on Iran Nuclear Arms


ARIS, Nov. 17 - An Iranian opposition group leveled
startling but unconfirmed charges on Wednesday that Iran had bought blueprints
for a nuclear bomb and obtained weapons-grade uranium on the black market.

The group also charged that Iran was still secretly enriching uranium
at an undisclosed Defense Ministry site in Tehran, despite an agreement with the
Europeans two days ago to suspend all enrichment activities.

The claims, made in separate news conferences in Paris and Vienna by a group known as the National Council of Resistance, the political front for the People's Mujahedeen, could not be independently verified, and independent nuclear experts were divided about whether they could be true.

Not to say I didn't support the war, because I did. Let's just say we shouldn't put much (any) stock into what these self interested parties have to say.

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