Sunday, August 01, 2004

Jihad Fatigue.

The Jihadis (I hope, since I've said this a few times out of wishful thinking, perhaps) are acting desperate, attacking churces in Iraq. If they are trying to shore up support of the remaining countries, or trying to antagonize the Christian right of the US to stay, this is a charmingly effective strategy.

Good luck with the holy war. If they don't want an invasion of crusaders, they are really going about this the wrong way.

Bombers target Iraq's Christians


Key points
• At least 12 dead in car bomb attacks on 5 churches in Baghdad and Mosul
• Blasts timed to coincide with evening prayers
• Attacks intent to cause sectarian tension within Iraq

Key quote
"It is terrible and worrying because it is the first time that Christian churches are being targeted in Iraq. There seems to be an attempt to heighten tensions by trying to affect all social groups, including churches" - Father Ciro Benedettini, Vatican deputy spokesman.

Story in full CAR bombs exploded outside at least five Christian churches in Iraq on Sunday, killing up to a dozen people and wounding many more in an apparently co-ordinated attack timed to coincide with evening prayers.

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