Tuesday, March 02, 2004

Warren Kinsella: Non-Partisan, my ass.
here's a little rant where he attacks, amongst others, the auditor general. not that the liberals are beyond attempting to smear the AG. remember last year when they called her report 'politically motivated'.


anyways, here's the partisan, rationalization of immorality itself:

February 11, 2004 - Forgive me for sounding a bit weary of the histrionics, but I have a reason. The Star calls the Quebec sponsorship mess a "toxic legacy." One of their columnist, James "James" Travers, declares: "...the Prime Minister faltered. Inevitably, that will tighten the thread of scandal around this government's neck." Chris Hall tells CBC radio the whole thing is "historic." The nutbars at the Post, naturally, gave a couple dozen column inches to anti-Grit fanatic Michael Bliss to state, inter alia, that "This is the mother of all political scandals," and "so shocking so as to be without precedent in our country's history." One twit in the Conservative party even screeched that "Saddam Hussein" could learn something about money laundering from Liberals.

What a hyperbolic load of nonsense.

Yes, plenty of big mistakes were made. Yes, the administration of sponsorship program was damned sloppy. Yes, it was right to call in the Auditor General (which Chretien did) and the RCMP (ditto). But nowhere - nowhere - have I seen a scintilla of proof that anyone within government(ed-emphasis mine. notice the word 'proof'. also notice, that groupaction and friends were all massive political donors to the liberals.), officials or otherwise, enriched themselves (ed-that's not the necessarily the definition of scandal, and it hasn't been central to the allegations either....but now that you mention, mr warren aka: mr. liberal instider).. Zero, zippo, zilch. The enriching all took place in the private sector (ed-is that really the liberal defence for this?) - for which the guilty parties will pay, and deservedly so.

How did it all happen? Fair question. I had departed government a few weeks after the Quebec referendum. But - from my discussions with those who were on the front line - I can tell you the razor-thin referendum result was a seismic event within the federal government (and, if you look back at the clippings of the day, around the world, too). That was what was "historic," and "shocking." We came within a few thousand votes of losing the greatest country in the world. People in government - officials and political folks alike - resolved that it would never happen again, and that every reasonable effort would be made to get credit for the things that the federal government did in Quebec. Why? Well, under Brian Mulroney's watch, there were no Canadian flags flying at post offices in Quebec, or references to same on mailboxes. No flags in citizenship courts, even. Canada, as a concept, barely existed in the Province of Quebec - a state of affairs that helped the separatists to build a case that Canada was wholly irrelevant to Quebeckers.

For the media to now shriek that sponsorships are inherently evil is unadulterated sophistry, quite frankly. The biggest participant in sponsorship programs in Canada - following tobacco companies and distilleries - are the media themselves, by a long shot. They - the National Post, even! - sponsor events because sponsorships work.

That all said, I'm not going to defend the indefensible (ed-you just did). Heads have rolled, more will be rolling in the days and weeks ahead. But to suggest that we shouldn't fight separatism with every (legal) means at our disposal is pure folly.

Because - believe me - the separatists will be back. And they, unlike Sheila Fraser and a select media chorus, won't be stepping onto the battlefield with their hands tied behind their collective backs.

They never do
that's it, warren, get angry. oh yes, the liberal toronto press has been so unfair to the liberals...imagine the gall of the star! so much injustice!

the liberals have lost their moral high road position. they have been exposed several times as corrupt, arrogant, cynics at the helm of our great nation.

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