Saturday, July 12, 2003

From the "an ice cube's chance in hell" file
sharon is trying to get arafat to be isolated from his friends in EU. Well, with de Villepan and friends visiting him every other week to give money, legitimacy and photo-ops he has a long way to go.

although it could be a shrewd strategy to drive a wedge through europe's waning consensus:

Italy, which now holds the rotating EU presidency, sparked criticism among fellow EU members and the Palestinians when it gave in to Israeli requests and Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi did not meet with Arafat during a trip to the Middle East last month

so he's meeting with Straw in Britain and italy is all over the anti-europe/france/germany.......hmmm. the plot thickens, and maybe euro-skepticism as well.

can't wait until israel makes a formal application for the EU...which is on the way.

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